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Lauren Kunis

7 Key Things to Do After Getting a DUI in Kentucky

No matter the reasons, getting arrested for driving under the influence can have major ramifications. It's important to consider the long-term consequences, as the impact of this mistake can extend far beyond the moment. Even though it may seem like a simple misstep, it can cause a chain of events that will reverberate into the future.
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Jason Hart

Common Motions and Authority in Criminal Law Cases

In Review of the 6th Edition, December 2020 Trial Law Notebook published by the Department of Public Advocacy we thought it would be prudent to share with some of our cleitns the "Common Motions And Authority" filed and raised in criminal law cases.
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Jason Hart

DUI Classes: What You Need to Know

Have you been charged and convicted for drunk driving? If so, you could be looking at anywhere between three to eighteen months of DUI classes. In many states across the country, judges require DUI offenders to undergo DUI education -- either through face-to-face sessions or a DUI class online.
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Jason Apollo Hart, Attorney At Law

10 Important Things to Know if You're Facing Criminal Charges

Facing criminal charges is a stressful and potentially frightening experience. There may be times when you’re faced by coercion or intimidation from law enforcement personnel that would have you act against your best interest. During the entirety of your criminal case, it is highly important to follow the advice of your criminal defense lawyer.
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Jason Hart

Odd Fellows Market

Our attorney is a member in good standing with the local Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF) or simply Odd Fellows. In short, the Odd Fellows is an international fraternity focused on philanthropy and charity to the community in order to make the world a better place to live.
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Jason Apollo Hart, Attorney At Law

Your Rights Involving DUI Traffic Stops and Roadblocks

Traffic stops, also known as traffic safety checkpoints, DUI checkpoints, or mobile checkpoints, are roadblocks setup by police under the pretext to stop drunk and intoxicated driving. Traffic stops are more common during the holiday seasons when people are more likely to be drinking.
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